Hot Tub Rebate Sale

Hot Spring Spas

National Rebate Event!

September 14th – 24th

Don’t miss this special opportunity to save

$1,000 on a new Highlife® Collection NXT or Highlife Collection spa


$500 on a new Limelight® Collection spa

Make a Hot Spring hot tub part of your day-to-day routine now and discover what it means to get more out of each day. For a limited time, you’ll also get more for your money with an instant rebate.

Terms and conditions apply. See dealer for details.

Contact us for pricing, financing information, or to try a new Hot Spring Spa.

“We are extremely pleased with our new spa. The style and appearance of the NXT is jaw dropping. I have compared it to looking at a BMW in your backyard! Thank you Hot Springs for leading the industry in product quality, performance and energy conservation. Your products have made this family life time customers. Cheers!!”